Monday, December 6, 2010


Penny for your thoughts??? I Can't believe this class is over =[... I can say though i did learn a MUCHO MAS (much more) than some of my other classes...
With the penny project i feel i love with finding pennies but not scanning them.... i felt as though someone wanted me to die of boredom....if that's even possible =/

Monday, November 29, 2010

oh btw.....i forgot =/

i forgot to post this.... i changed it from the original andy warhol hope fully it's better =]

Routine article

When reading the article, I thought that Chris was a very committed because I, today would not be able to accomplish such a daily routine. Second I also realized that this must be soooooo relaxing compared to retail therapy my output that I wish could be done daily
I really enjoy also the pieces that he made... they are so beautiful

Monday, November 22, 2010


This was interesting ..... i kind of liked it

TuEsDaY!!!!! WAGNER!!!

So .....I went to the Wagner...and you're not suppose to take pictures but these happen to just walk out the building with me =] HE HE it feels so good to be evil!!!!!!!....
JK... i didn't know until the lady working their yelled at someone else =] but the Wagner was a cool museum to be in although the categorized everything in such weird ways....oh Shouldn't  have ....but no you really should have, some of your reasons for grouping together were mere observations my friend...but it's ok others have your back on this one....
This was my second time at the Wagner and i am truly a freak for rocks....I hate what Diamonds stand for , but i love their process of creation, so this is the section that i stood around the most.

Monday, November 15, 2010